Token Utility
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1,000,000,000 OAZIZ tokens minted on SOLANA Blockchain with no further issuance after that. Users can choose to hold and stake OAZIZ tokens as a form of inflation control, which rewards them with stability fees that might provide better longterm value retention. OAZIZ Tokens utilities:
As an option for buying/selling NFTs on OAZIZ NFT Marketplace.
As a way to reward the most engaged gamers and "OMG" game streamers.
Governance voting will be available in-game “OMG”.
Selling in-game items for OAZIZ tokens.
Affiliate program rewards
OAZIZ Senate voting system (OVS)
Integration to OAZIZ payment system.
OAZIZ L&E rewards.
We will develop more token-based utilities in the future and seek partners who will use our tokens.