Change Of Token Owner. Withdrawal of NFT Token To An External Wallet
There is one more option with a purchased token. You are totally allowed to change the owner of a token in the OAZIZ NFT marketplace. It can be an easy and fast process if the steps below are followed:
The user opens the list of his tokens on the platform in the table of the section "Collected" and finds the desired token.
The user clicks on "Withdraw token from the platform" to deposit the token to a private wallet that accepts these tokens.
The withdrawal process with UX/UI is similar to the withdrawal from the main wallet. Specifies an address on the SOL network.
The system (assuming the address is new and has not yet been validated) prompts the user to validate the address and sends an email message with a validation link.
The transfer process is initiated with the status "pending".
The user follows the provided link and opens the address validation page.
The system requests access to a private wallet integrated into the platform and checks whether the address of the wallet provided by the user matches the one provided by the private wallet.
If everything is okay, the system marks the user's wallet address as "validated".
The user can also withdraw NFTs to a non-validated wallet address at their own risk.
The system sends a request to the Oracle to transfer the token to the user's validated wallet address. The Oracle changes the owner of the token to the user's address.
The Oracle sends a callback to the system about the successful completion of the transaction.
The user enters the private wallet and sees the token at their address.
Withdrawal of funds from a sale to the external wallet
Once you make the sale in the marketplace you are able to withdraw your earnings into an external wallet. In order to make it successfully you need to follow the steps below:
To request a transaction to withdraw funds, the user goes to the Account Finance section and selects the Withdraw option
The user specifies the amount to withdraw and the address to be withdrawn in the corresponding withdrawal window, the user also sees the amount of the commission for the withdrawal in this cryptocurrency, which is set manually by the platform operator.
The system sends a request to the crypto processing system to withdraw money to the user's address.
The system credits the funds withdrawn by the user minus the platform commission for withdrawing funds.
The user receives the requested funds to his external address. In the case of NFT, it is important that the user sees the Withdraw button opposing the requested batch in the Collected section table, which they can click to withdraw to a private wallet that will allow them to accept these tokens.
The withdrawal process in relation to UX / UI is similar to the withdrawal from the main wallet.
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