Benefits For Owners
You will receive the following utilities when you purchase OAZIZ NFT:
Voting in the future of the road map and selected project funding.
Copyrights on art. (Except 2nd hand market %)
Dividends payout in native OAZIZ token
Participate in a closed educational community & earn rewards by completing learning courses.
Earn rewards for being active in OAZIZ community.
Ownership of Genesis Gods characters (in upcoming NFT game).
Possibility to apply for the OAZIZ developer scholarship. Funding talented individuals or seed level start-ups.
Instant Verified user on the marketplace. This lets unlimited listing creation.
Close to zero fees by owning OAZIZ NFT. (Gas+seller; buyer fees)
Whitelisted for all pre-sales and upcoming projects.
NFT collection drops
1st Drop Volume 1 contains 8400 pieces of OAZIZ NFTs. It will be common static pictures that are basic NFT. Even volume 1 NFT will give you a chance to become part of our huge community.
2nd Drop Volume 2 includes 2400 pieces of OAZIZ NFTs. This type of NFTs are rare and will contain motion elements and be exported in video format. Thanks to its rarity, the owner will be granted with more features and passkeys to our upcoming events.
3rd Drop Volume 3 has only 1200 pieces of OAZIZ NFTs. This is the rarest type of our NFTs. These OAZIZ NFTs will include video format, 360 spin, custom & detailed characters with relevant art or memes themed designs. By purchasing this NFT you will receive all features which we are proposing for our NFT buyers.
4th drop Volume 4 doesn't have a predetermined amount of art pieces. This volume will be created exclusively for our partnerships and collaborations. It will be a personalized NFT based on the theme. Only possible aquire is via ruffle, airdrop, or partnership contract.
Purpose of this NFT collection is to provide a wide range of utilities for our OAZIZ ecosystem members. Owing genesis NFTs serve as social status, art piece and a passkey to what OAZIZ ecosystem offers.
Last updated